Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Is that true?

A burden in your heart that eats you slowly. 
It neither can be erased nor can it be forgotten.
Why is it that every time one tries to step up,
There is something that drags you down.
Pulling your further down that,
It takes another extra mile to level up.

When things go right, happy we are.
It lasts for quite sometime.
We cherish it, live every minute of it.
Forget the things that don't matter.

And when something goes wrong,
The sky just falls on our shoulder.
Everything fall apart, 
Making one tear up every time you think of it.

Quite amusing that one can be guilty,
When you are not. But you feel it anyhow.
The inner thing that eats you, making you feel so.
And the sole reason you cannot deny.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Little thing....

I wish I was good at convincing people.

I lack in so many ways and one such thing is the communication skill. I don't have a proper communicating way and hence I am not able to convey what I actually want to say and there a gap is created.

I rather feel awkward talking with people I am not used to. 

And there are times when I get along so very well. Different personalities and different traits still then I am very comfortable. And I prefer that. But it rarely happens.

Today too, I wanted to have a proper conversation but i couldn't tell. I just don't know how to start.All day I have been thinking and i couldn't find a way. I am thinking of fixing it but I don't know how.

Yeah, hoping I over come such flaw while I am growing. 

I am still growing, aren't I? Yes i am...

Oh! what was that!

Say something real! 


Ahh... yeah... actually I wish my friend take good decision, fair enough that she will be able to reason it out in some point of time.

P.S: Writing this post so that I can post something on my wall, its been awhile. Really really awhile!. And for not being able to say what I mean....

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Spring Review

Summer is gone, the chill has started to spread. I can see some trees shedding and more over I don't see any flowers around!
Aha! its autumn not spring.

Today I was going through some pic albums and I found some pictures around the corner. It was probably taken some years back when I was in my village. It rejuvenated my spirit, if i may say, after my tiring tests here in college. 

And here are the pictures....

 PS- Its my hobby# Photography. Click click! :)